Synopsis: Shan Tsai is an indomitable girl, who fulfils her parents' dream of entering the super noble school. Initially she just wants to spend her university life peacefully. But inadvertently she gets involved in settling problems for her good friend, and infuriates Dau Ming Sz, the leader of F4, a gang of troublemakers at the university. From then on, a series of scenarios involving love, hate and passion begin to develop.
The childish Dau Ming Sz is a spoiled hedonistic scion of a wealthy family. All girls want to get close to Dau Ming Sz, except Shan Tsai. This ironically sparks off Dau Ming Sz's affection for Shan Tsai. However, out of expectation, Shan Tsai is fond of Hua Tze Lei, Dau Ming Sz's close friend. And amidst all this, Hua Tze Lei has a crush for Jing, re-kindling the innocent mutual affection they shared during childhood.
The story plot is a romance comedy around boys and girls in campus. The love and persistent personality of the poverty stricken Shan Tsai, gradually curbs the aggressive temperament of Dau Ming Sz and, in turn, helps eradicate on-campus violence.
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Senin, 11 Januari 2010
Meteor garden 1
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